
Welcome to all new members of our community! When you're looking to introduce yourself, this is the board to do it! Members can post here to speak for the first time or greet a newcomer to the site and share a little about themselves as we get to know each other.
Welcome to all new members of our community! When you're looking to introduce yourself, this is the board to do it! Members can post here to speak for the first time or greet a newcomer to the site and share a little about themselves as we get to know each other.
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Are you going away for a while and need to remind us how long you'll be away? Are you heading out for good and want to say goodbye? This is the board for everything related to short and long term leaves.
Are you going away for a while and need to remind us how long you'll be away? Are you heading out for good and want to say goodbye? This is the board for everything related to short and long term leaves.
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Members are constantly arriving and departing, and this is a good place to keep track of who's around. This board is home to the introduction board, where members can introduce themselves for the first time and meet new members, as well as the absences board, where members can announce that they'll be away for a while, or perhaps for good.
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